Understanding Annual Profections: The Best Astrologer Explains
Our astrological journey is not boring or monotonous by any means. It comes in waves of 12-year zodiac cycles within which smaller waves come as profections. This annual time-lord technique determines which planets will be activated in our natal chart by the ruler or lord for that given year. And more importantly, which specific natal theme will be promised and delivered to us during that period
What is Profection?
The way profections work is that each year of your life falls into one of the 12 astrology “houses.” Profection meaning ‘advancement’ is really a theme-based upgradation- an opportunity for the soul to advance as the ascendant moves cyclically through each house. Interestingly, each year it also equips you with the appropriate tools and experiences to make the most out of your life that year.
It starts with your rising sign at birth so in your first year you are in “First House Profection Year.” In the second year the ascendant shifts to the next sign or house so you’re in your ‘second house’ profection year and so on. Annual profections start at each birthday and by age 12, you have ‘profected’ through all the 12 houses and signs to re-start again in the first house in your 13th year.
With a basic understanding of profections, you can acquire profound insights into what is happening in your life, says Anshulaa Patthak, who is considered to be the best astrologer in Kolkata.
Profection Themes
Different life themes are emphasized each year of your life; depending on the house you’re currently profected in. That particular natal theme then becomes the dominant or “active” one.
Look up your age in the table below to see whether it resonates with what you’re dealing with this year and what’s in store for you next! The way it works is interesting.
First House: Individuality and Self-Awareness
Ages 0,12,24,36,48,60,72
Themes — Self, Appearance, Life, Style, Outward personality, The Body, Nature, Soul, Head/face, Beginnings, Ego, Identity,
Under Mars-ruled 1st house of Aries, this will be a year of “being who you are” and to some extent also how you like to appear to others. The 1st house being a reflection of the 7th house of relationships mirrors how we feel about ourselves when we’re with others. So you tend to re-establish meaningful connections with yourself and those to you. You may be concentrating on your body and developing self-care practices. Perhaps your style and clothing, including wardrobe re-evaluation, will be important in how you present yourself to others.
Second House: Personal Resources & Assets
Ages 1,13,25,37,49,61,73
Themes — Income, Material Possessions, Security, Money, Inventory, self-worth
Venus-ruled 2nd house was traditionally associated with “materialistic possessions.” According to the top astrologer in Kolkata, it’s about where you find value. Thus you may be more concerned with issues of self-worth and self-esteem which is your intrinsic sense of worth and value. Also, making money might contribute to this sense more than usual. Either way, the year is all about securing your worth- whether it comes from valuing self or financial assets.
Third House: Learning and Immediate Environment
Ages 2,14,26,38,50,62,74
Themes — Thinking, Communication, Short-distance travel, Mobility, Learning, The mind, Early education, Siblings, Close friends, Neighborhood
It’s a year of ‘quickening’ while you’re in fast-paced Mercury’s 3rd house which likes speed in all things, especially communication. You may feel compelled to express yourself and communicate in various ways, such as through speaking, writing or other means. At this point, you may be doing extra reading, thinking, or research. You may feel closer to your siblings or close friends as a result of being able to spend more time with them. Don’t rule out short trips to strengthen bonds.
Fourth House: Inner World
Ages 3,15,27,39,51,63,75
Themes — Family, Roots, Home, Private Life, Parents, Origins, Hidden ties
It is a year of ‘reinventing’ family ties while you are in Cancer’s loony-moony 4th house. You might be more concerned with creating beauty and comfort in your home, spending more time with relatives or reconnecting with your roots. The moon sheds light on strange disclosures about your family past history.
Fifth House: Personal Creativity
Ages 4,16,28,40,52,64,76
Themes — Romance, Leisure, Creativity, Sex, Pleasure, Fertility, Children, Play, Joy, Entertainment, Artistic expression
It’s a year of generous Leo’s ‘giving’ when you’re in sun’s 5th house. This year, you’ll probably have a lot of sunny fun dating and meeting new people, or rekindling the spark in an existing relationship. It could also mean doing more of what you enjoy with those you care about. It’s about creativity and energy and inspiration.
Sixth House: Daily Life and Discipline
Ages 5,17,29,41,53,65,77
Themes — Health, Fitness, Service, Injury, Sickness, Work, Duty, Employees
As per the renowned professional astrologer in Kolkata, it is a year of ‘labour’ while you are in Virgo’s 6th house. You may be working long hours planning, organizing , clearing and perhaps even feeling a little enslaved by the routine you’ve set up for yourself. You might find that you’re more motivated by organization and structure, and that you’re more concerned with time and calendar management. Virgo also rules health, healing and any regimen towards this will lead to a healthier stronger body in this period.
Seventh House: Relationships and Social Awareness
Ages 6,18,30,42,54,66,78
Themes — Relationships, Marriage, Partnerships, Weddings, Divorce, Sharing, Interpersonal Style, Adversaries
It’s Venus’s year of ‘merging’ while you’re in the 7th house. You might be looking for a stable, long-term love companion. Or may be making promises or finalising plans for the future, as well as having important relationship or partnership events! A lot of ground can be covered in this sphere while achieving Libra’s balance too.
Eighth House: Shared Resources
Ages 7,19,31,43,55,67,79
Themes — Regeneration, Inheritances, Banking, Taxes, Loans, Insurance, Death, Letting Go, Resources of Partners, Supernatural
Traditionally this was considered a year of ‘loss’ since Scorpio’s 8th house meant you were supposed to cope with financial concerns. However, Anshulaa Patthak interprets this Plutonian period as work involving OPM (Other People’s Money) or what modern financial prudence calls the money smarts! This includes bank loans and money shared with business partners. So the debt part is true but it’s smart debt for long-term financial gain! Scorpio’s 8th house also pushes you to engage with questions of existentialism, death, mortality and anxiety around Pluto’s themes.
Ninth House: Evolution and Expanded Horizons
Ages 8,20,32,44,56,68,80
Themes — Higher education, Philosophy, Wisdom, Politics, Foreign Locations, Religion
It’s a ‘wisening’ year while you’re in Jupiter’s 9th house. This is a period of both physical and expansion of mental boundaries, inner exploration and enriching ourselves through new experiences. Obviously, this then entails travel or higher study to whet our inquisitiveness. A Sagittarius- instilled pressing desire to travel is heightened to satiate Jupiter’s curiosity and growth mechanisms.
Tenth House: Outside World and Responsibilities
Ages 9,21,33,45,57,69,81
Themes — Actions, Ambitions, Authorities, Career, Public image, Fame, Status, reputation, Assuming power
It’s a year of ‘doing’ while you’re in task-master Saturn’s 10th house of perfection. You could be attempting to advance your career or improve your reputation or social standing. This is just the time to set Capricorn’s processes and systems in place. You might be rewarded with a stronger public profile or new professional achievement. At this moment, you become more noticeable in public.
Eleventh House: Collaboration and Sharing
Ages 10,22,34,46,58,70,82
Themes — Professional acquaintances, Friends, Groups, Social awareness, Wishes, Hopes, Goals, Aspirations, Awards, Profits
It’s a year of ‘receiving’ while you’re in Aquarius’s 11th house of profection. This is traditionally called a lucky house, because everything we are comes from the help of other people. The 11th house is the house of networking, cooperation and collaboration so it’s here you obtain assistance with your hopes, dreams and wishes at work and in general! You may receive additional help in your love life or job at this time. Friends and networks may be particularly beneficial to you. Also, ruled by disruptive Uranus, be prepared for surprises!
Twelfth House: Spiritual Life & Transcendence
Ages 11,23,35,47,59,71,83
Themes — Healing, Endings, Old Age, Solitude, Rest, Closure, Spirituality, Karma, Suffering, Illnesses, Enemies, Confinement, boundaries
The 12th house of Pisces is the pit-stop you make to complete one zodiac cycle. You’ve gathered a lot of outward moss in 12 years and now it’s time to look inwards. It is the dark resetting of your inner realms before you can start afresh another 12-year cycle in the first house. It can be a difficult year of purification where we need to drop all the excess baggage collected over the last cycle. An unseen watery theme plays out in our heads as we’re brought face-to-face with our hidden fears, emotions, secrets and nightmares. You’re likely to develop heightened intuition and perhaps even psychic powers during this time, explains the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
So what planets are you pulling out of your cosmic hat this year? Which will you switch on and awaken? Or would you rather sit in the dark without flipping on the switch?