Common misconceptions on breast cancer- Says a breast cancer doctor
Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to the development of malignant cells in the breast tissues. But most people don’t know the facts about breast cancer and spread false concepts and misbeliefs in society. Here are a few common misconceptions underlined by a breast cancer doctor in Kolkata with facts.
Misconception 1: Not having a family history of breast cancer means you are free from the risk.
Actual Fact: Many patients who undergo a breast cancer diagnosis have no family history of the disease. According to a breast cancer surgeon, only 5–10% of those diagnosed with breast cancer had a family history of the disease. But that doesn’t mean you are free from the risk of breast cancer. Drinking alcohol, and smoking, are also some major risk factors for breast cancer.
Misconception 2: Leading a healthy life reduces the chance of breast cancer.
Actual Fact: Leading a healthy life with a healthy diet and workout does not assure you to live a life free from the risk of breast cancer, as malignant cell growth may also happen in your breast tissues.
Misconception 3: Antiperspirants and deodorants lead to breast cancer.
Actual Fact: Many people think using deodorants and antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer because these chemicals get absorbed into the lymph nodes and tissues of breast cells. But this concept is wrong as no medical or scientific study has proven that deodorants and antiperspirants are harmful chemicals for breast cancer.
These are some common misconceptions about breast cancer that spreads widely among people. In order to stop such misleading facts, it is important to spread breast cancer awareness, especially in rural areas with less literacy. Hence, it is essential to educate people and understand the real causes of breast cancer. Don’t just believe anything that you hear about breast cancer, and always try to consult the best breast cancer doctor in Kolkata.